Not so Bad that Hickory Shad

Not so Bad that Hickory Shad

This #TallShipTuesday introduced us to Quartermaster Kit. As a fisherman from New England before joining the Continental Navy, he is an expert on all things fish. This time of year, we see tons of Hickory Shad (Alosa mediocris) making their way through our waters. These fish range from 15-20 inches in length, have a dark stripe, shiny silver scales, and an upturned mouth. The fish are anadromous, meaning they spawn in rivers, spend their lives out at sea in salt water, and return to freshwater to breed. Right now, Hickory Shad are swimming back to their mating grounds and are singular in their focus. They rarely stop to eat in this stage in their life cycle so to catch them, it is best to use a net rather than baited line.


Marriam-Webster Dictionary, Anadromous-

Chesapeake Bay Program, Hickory Shad-

Mark Kurlansky, The Last Fish: The Fate of the Atlantic and Survival in Gloucester, America’s Oldest Fishing Port and Most Original Town-

Delaware River Basin Commission, Living Resources: American Shad-

Mount Vernon, George Washington’s Fishing Operations at Mount Vernon-

Jim Cummins, A Compilation of Historical Perspectives on the Natural History and Abundance of American Shad and Other Herring in the Potomac River-

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